4 Reasons Why Vinyl is a Must For Any Home Theatre System

4 Reasons Why Vinyl is a Must For Any Home Theatre System

After decades of being hidden away in second hand stores, basements and crawl spaces, vinyl, in all its nostalgic glory, is back! Store shelves are being stocked with records (both the oldies as well as the new stuff); and the internet is abuzz with old school “LP”...

How To Save $1 Million For Retirement

Starting to save early for retirement is extremely beneficial in the long run, especially if you have the dream of retiring with $1 million as so many Canadians do. It’s not an easy feat, but for most Canadians, retiring with $1 million is a realistic goal. You most...
Buying Your First Home in Canada

Buying Your First Home in Canada

What Newcomers Need to know! The reason I have a blog and share information is to educate my clients and prospective clients about mortgages. Obviously there is a lot to know about mortgages, financing, and buying property, and there are a lot of great ways for me to...
Be More Productive with the Rule of 3

Be More Productive with the Rule of 3

This article was originally published on LinkedIn by Chris Bailey on Oct 28th 2015. Chris is a self-proclaimed Jedi Master at A Life of Productivity where he blogs about being productive. For Some Strange Reason, Our Brain is Wired to Think in Threes. As kids, we grow...

A Bigger Downpayment Doesn’t Always Mean a Lower Rate!

If you’ve been following the financial news in Canada lately (or if you read the blog here regularly), you will know that a lot is changing in the world of mortgage financing. Most recently, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) announced an...